About Tree Time

Tree Time is a tree planting initiative established by the Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust to seek donations from individuals, businesses and community groups in the region by offering a range of easily digestible donation packages with specific outcomes. We work across Edinburgh, East Lothian and West Lothian to plant new trees in streets, parks and greenspaces. We also help care for and maintain existing trees.

Our packages include opportunities to support street tree planting projects, adopt existing trees or plant new trees. All donations go towards planting and maintaining trees in your chosen area; Edinburgh, East Lothian or West Lothian.

Tree Time will work to plant large, prominent trees in streets and parks, to plant replacement landmark trees before the old ones die, as well as trees in other public places and urban woodlands, new and existing.

Trees provide a number of benefits including an improved appearance, increased biodiversity as well as helping to mitigate against climate change. Trees are estimated to be worth a great deal to the local economy but need to be looked after for future generations.

We are part of the Edinburgh Million Tree City initiative.


For more information about Tree Time, please email us at treetime.org.uk or phone us on 0131 445 4025.