Anze and his love for Scotland

Published June 21, 2024 by in

What to say? How to describe​ you Anze?

I had the ​privilege of being your mum for 10,890 days.

I am and will forever be grateful for having such a pure soul in my life. I learned so much from you Anze: what I should improve, what is best to let go, how to surrender and embrace whatever is coming my way.

Already when you were small, you were the sweetest child, who always wanted harmonious surroundings. If there were 10 cakes and 11 kids, you would give up your own slice so nobody would be sad. You were a very good observer and turned vivacious only when you felt at ease. Very private, yet kind, funny and always ready to help others.

At 26 years of age you moved from Belgium to Scotland. You seemed to like your new life. You finished your studies of psychology, got a job, socialised and stepped into adult life. Not without some challenges.

Still, you remained the most responsible, brave and respectful person I have ever met. Never a bad thought about others. You loved listening to music and going to the gym. Those were the two worlds where your soul felt at ease and in harmony.

You died alone in Edinburgh of SUDEP and were found two days later when I became alarmed by no response to my calls. I knew you were gone several hours before receiving official confirmation.

I never said goodbye to your body and finally embraced your ashes 3 weeks after your death. In Scotland I met wonderful, warm people who soothed my soul and helped me in those first days.

You were buried in your home town in Slovenia surrounded by family and those who knew you as a child. You were gently put to rest on the notes of bagpipes playing Amazing Grace in memory of your love for Scotland and your new chosen life.

May this tree stand proudly bearing your name and memory, while
my soul embraces yours in eternity.

Forever loved and remembered.


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