
Please get in touch, we would love to hear from you!

You can contact Tree Time at:


Phone: 0131 445 4025

If you have questions about Tree Time, you may also find it helpful to have a look through our Frequently Asked Questions. You may be able to find an answer to your question there.

Tree Time is an initiative delivered by the Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust (ELGT).

ELGT works across Edinburgh and the Lothians to create, improve and promote parks, greenspaces gardens and vacant land. We develop community gardens, new woodlands, play spaces and better urban landscapes. Our vision is that everyone in Edinburgh and the Lothians has access to quality greenspaces, which can help to improve their health and wellbeing.

Our aim is to work with partners in order to deliver environmental improvements that we can all be proud of. If you want to find out more about ELGT and the work that we do, please visit our website.

ELGT Contact Information.

Address: 109/11 Swanston Road, Edinburgh, EH10 7DS


Phone: 0131 445 4025

Social media: @greenspacetrust

Image shows a row of cherry trees with pink blossom in a park.

The Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust is a charity that is registered in Scotland no. SC018196 and a company limited by guarantee in Scotland no. SC132480