Let’s get more trees back to Edinburgh
Published November 19, 2015 by Richard in Previous Work
You can make a positive difference towards Edinburgh’s landscape for future generations by donating a tree in memory of a loved one or in celebration of a visit you have enjoyed to Edinburgh. Trees can be planted in most of our parks, walkways and some city streets. There are a number of benefits that a tree can provide:
– Helps against pollution and provides cooling effect
– Improve the appearance of the city
– Help mitigate against flooding (specific areas)
Each year in Edinburgh over 1,000 trees die or are removed. There is a deficit of 8,000 trees in the city since 2011 which includes 650 street trees. If we want to see mature trees in the city in the future we need to plant on average some 6,500 trees in the capital every single year. We can only do this with donations from the public.
We have a priority list of locations but if there however if there is a strong preference for a part of city not promoted, the closest available location will be offered.
The campaign is supported by City of Edinburgh Council and The Woodland Trust and this must be recognised
You can also help parks and greenspaces by helping Edinbrugh & Lothians Greenspace Trust
Are you still looking for donations for this. I see the post is over a year old